Food & Bev Mobile Apps for Shopify

Have your
(mobile conversion)
cake and eat it too.

Instantly launch a mobile app and power a high-retaining, recurring sales stream.

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Tapcart-powered mobile apps for food & beverage brands have an average 26x ROI
mudwtr logoMove logo49th Parallel Coffee Roasters logoOuter Aisle logoPBH Foods logoTruff logoYour Super logoOrgain logoLifeboost Coffee logomudwtr logoArt of Tea logoMove logo49th Parallel Coffee Roasters logoOuter Aisle logoPBH Foods logoTruff logoYour Super logoOrgain logoLifeboost Coffee logo

Why do food & bev brands need an app?

Your mobile website doesn't convert like it should.
The solution? Repeat revenue through a channel designed to convert on mobile.

Conversion Rate Increase
Push Notification Open Rate
line graph with upwards trend
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Capture cravings with unlimited notifications.

Instantly reach your audience on the lock screen of their phones and see immediate surges in revenue and subscriptions.

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10x higher engagement rate with push notifications vs. email
diagram of a push notification

“We felt so grateful that not only were we still a business, but we were actually doubling what we were doing year over year.”

Hanna Houglum,  Executive Director of Growth at Art of Tea

Get your people to shop (again and again).

Not to get all jargon-y on you, but mobile apps increase heavy hitters like order frequency and lifetime value by putting repeat revenue on autopilot.

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Raw Generation shipping boxes

Expand your (omnichannel) palate.

A staple for any food or beverage brand? A personalized, mobile-first shopping channel.

Replenish their pantry.

A mobile app unlocks more purchase potential from your customers, turning one-stop shoppers into brand stans and subscription loyalists.

Integrate without retooling your stack.

Bring along your favorite eComm tech tools—product recommendations, reviews, loyalty programs, you name it.

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You know food and beverage.
We know mobile apps.