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Insights Pro is an advanced analytics add-on that gives a deeper understanding of your mobile app customer journey.

Make quick pivots backed by robust data

Navigate through various data sets to quickly deliver impact towards your mobile app strategy. Integrated within Tapcart’s dashboard, your app analytics can easily be filtered, customized, and pulled to make the right data comparisons.

Use Tapcart’s proprietary app data to see retention trends, acquisition metrics and granular push campaign performance.

Optimize your customer journey

Harness your real-time customer data and make actionable strategies that will drive meaningful app growth and customer lifetime value.

The Customer Journey tab gives you insight into your full conversion funnel, how your products are being searched and viewed so you can take a sku-based approach to increase customer retention and sales volume.

Work more efficiently

Reinvest time saved from having to reconcile data silos across different platforms. Tapcart’s one-platform approach to analytics gives instant insights so you can make quick decisions and not have to leave the dashboard.  

The power of push notifications is right at your fingertips with advanced analytics that break down your active push campaigns against total app sales by sessions, cart adds, orders, and conversion rate.

Insights Standard (FREE) vs Insights Pro




Overview Tab
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Mobile App Revenue
App Activity
App Sessions
New App Sessions
Sessions by Platform
Customer Journey Analytics
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Mobile App Revenue
Conversion Funnel
Product Searches
Product Views
Products Purchased
Revenue Analytics
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Total Orders
Average Order Value
Source of Orders
Promo Code Revenue vs Revenue
Retention Analytics
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Repurchase Rate
Avg Session Length
Avg # of Sessions on App per User
Customer Lifetime Value
Dormancy Rate
Avg Order Frequency
Acquisition Analytics
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Daily Active Users
App Open Rate
Source of Opens
Time to First Purchase
App Installs
Push Explorer Analytics
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Total Push Performance
Automated Push Performance
Individual Push Performance
Insights Pro offers 30+ graphs and charts that can be easily filtered by time frame.

“With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, Insights Pro has saved us time by helping us to focus on what resonates with our customers in app based on the results shown in the platform.”

Hanna Houglum,
VP @ Art of Tea

“Insights Pro has been an absolute ace up our sleeve and extends well beyond the capabilities of typical analytics tools. By presenting real-time data related to push notification campaigns, downloads, and retention, we’re able to make smarter calls that drive our app growth and optimize customer journey."

Jim Reu,
ECommerce @ LSKD

“I love how user-friendly it is, allowing me to quickly and easily navigate through the various reports and data sets - and segment them down according to time frames! As someone who gathers data for quarterly manager reports, this has made reporting on our app figures so much easier.”

Kate Garman,
Marketing Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I purchase Insights Pro?

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Insights Pro is available as an add-on to all Tapcart plans —visit the Insights section of your dashboard to learn more.

Can I export data from Insights Pro?

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Tapcart offers Insights Data Streaming capabilties through our Developer Tools allowing merchants to send first-party customer data from the app to other data systems, in real time.

Where can I learn more?

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There are a few resources that can help you better understand Insights Pro:

  1. Read through the Insights Pro blogpost
  2. Explore our help center article
  3. Get in touch to schedule a demo with the Tapcart team.

What is the difference between Insights and Insights Pro?

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By default, all Tapcart plans offer basic, high-level, insights and data via the Tapcart Dashboard. By adding on Insights Pro to your Enterprise plan, you are getting access to more in-depth analytics around Acquisition, Revenue, Retention, Push, and Customer Journey.

Can Insights Pro integrate with other apps or reporting softwares?

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Tapcart offers native integrations with Firebase, Heap, and Facebook SDK. If you want to integrate Tapcart’s data streaming to other reporting and analytics platforms, additional custom development may be required.

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